Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pregnant No More

I called early yesterday morning for an appointment to see Dr. Lim. And went down to his clinic with my mum. The name of the clinic is Tow Yung Clinic located at Tanglin Shopping Center, according to my church sister, Qingli, the clinic is popular among the rich Indonesian Tai Tais. I got my weight and urine test done, and we waited for our turn.

At 12:10pm my name was called, we waited more than 1hr30mins for my turn. Dr. Lim is a 60's something old uncle and he look very fatherly. Feels very comfortable talking to him. He did a scan and told me that my pregnancy is not normal and in medical term is called 'Blighted Ovum' (An empty sac on the scan is a sign of a blighted ovum, where conception occurred and the fertilised egg implanted in your womb but the baby did not develop) Haiz... is confirmed after the second opinion, no choice but to accept it. I have a D&C done, the whole process took about 1 hour. Can't believed that I have had two D&C done within 4 months.

I feel sad and disappointed but at least I am ever being pregnant, and I experience what is called morning sickness and I was being treated like a empress in the house :)

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