Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Poor Fatham

My Fat Ham was bitten by his brother this morning. When I was bathing I heard him making alot of noises, he used to do that everyday but today sounds quite different this time. I checked on them after coming out from the bathroom and everything looks normal. As I was about to step out of the house, he made the sound again, and i saw his brother bitting him, I was so angry that i scolded his brother and pulled him away. The next thing I saw was blood on my poor Fat Ham. I quickly cleaned him up with tissue paper, that's the least I can do to make him feel better. And then I seperated them, I put his brother into a smaller cage now. I can sense that Fat Ham is in real pain as he keep touching his wound. I left for work and weep on the train, silently.
Before heading home, I bought medication for Fat Ham. Once I reached home, seeing Fat Ham still moving around in his blue box, I was relieved that he is still alive and enjoying his sunflower seeds.

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